Therabands - Resistance Bands

Therabands - Resistance Bands
TheraBand Professional Latex Resistance Bands are simple to use, both convenient and portable, and are an effect alternative to free weights or weight machines. They help to rehabilitate injuries, enhance performance and improve functional living. The colour coding system makes it easy to measure your progress and pre-cut into 5ft lengthens.
Colour coding system: (easiest to hardest)
Yellow Resistance Band - 1-6 pounds of resistance (lightest)
Red Resistance Band - 2-7 pounds of resistance (light)
Green Resistance Band - 2-10 Pounds of resistance (light-medium)
Blue Resistance Band - 3-14 Pounds of resistance (medium)
The banded bent over reverse fly is a variation of the dumbbell bent over reverse fly and an exercise used to strengthen the posterior deltoids (the main muscles on the back of your shoulders) and it will also work the rhomboids and traps.
How to perform the exercise:
1.Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms hanging at your sides.
2. Hold a band using a neutral grip (thumbs pointing upwards and palms facing inward).
3. Hinge at the hips by pushing your butt back to 90 degrees.
4. Inhale, raise your arms and pull the band apart by contracting your rear delts. Important to keep the abdominals tight and body style.
5. Slowly lower back to the starting position.
***At no time should this cause any strain or discomfort. Do not force the motion through a restriction. Please consult your health care physician before attempting exercise.***