keeping you up to date with what’s going on in the clinic & around our community.
Check out & Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook!

What do you think?
This is a myth! Anyone can come see Hanna. Yay!
If you have benefits, your policy may require a referral to cover your claim. You would have to check into your coverage yourself to find out what you might need. Unfortunately, we cannot find out for you.
If you would like to book an appointment with Hanna, you can phone us at 613 498 0036.
#acupuncture #tradiontinalchinesemedicine #mythbustermonday #mythbusted #itsamyth #nowyouknow #takecareofyou #comeseehanna

Cue all the sad and happy tears! 😭
It’s Aly’s last day with us at Podium!! She recently purchased @crossfit_kemptville and will be leaving us to become a kick ass boss babe running her own business!
We could not be happier for her, as much as we are sad to see her leave!
We have been so fortunate to have her as part of our team these past few years. The contributions she has made have been many. She ran our online store and website, participated in all our reels, kept us laughing, always an easy one to prank, did all the office admin tasks and of course lifted all the heavy things.
Chase all your dreams and we know you’ll kill it! We wish you all the best!

Happy Family Day!
We ope you enjoy your day with family and friends.
Our office is closed today but will reopen tomorrow morning at 8am. See you then!

Did you know?
Vertigo (BPPV) can be treated using a technique called the Epley's maneuver. The maneuver is one of the most effective treatments of vertigo.
Had the maneuver completed before but still have side effects? There are techniques to help with those as well.
You don't have to suffer! We have therapists that can help you out and get you back to feeling like yourself!
#BPPV #vertigo #didyouknow #nowyoudo #takecareofyou #noneedtosuffer #treatmentisveryeffective #spins #dizzyness

We could not agree with this more! Watch with sound on🔊
#Repost @aaron_kubal with @make_repost
“Your Scan Looks Fine”
No, it’s not all in your head. There is more to pain than what a scan can show you.
Understanding that almost everything can influence pain is a key part of being able to make sense of this stuff.
It’s hard to recover from something when you feel like you have no idea why it is happening.
It’s also hard to recover from something when someone tells you it is being caused by 1 singular thing, you put a ton of effort into trying to “fix” that 1 special thing, and you don’t get any better. That’s what makes people feel defeated & hopeless.
Clinicians can make a difference by helping people make sense of a complicated situation. We have to be careful not to over-simplify, or else we risk setting them up for failure.
This is just an example I made up. A key contributing factor for one person might be totally irrelevent for someone else.
Also, this is about rationalizing how pain might have started… not an explanation of why it has lasted 8 months.

What do you think?🤔
Time for some science! 🔬🧪
This is a myth!
When you injure yourself your enzymes produce a group of chemicals called prostaglandins that create inflammation for the healing process.
Anti - inflammatories (think Advil/Ibuprofen/Aleve) don't "know" where the pain is in your body. But they make it harder for those enzymes to produce the prostaglandins. This is what helps with the pain.
There is a very simple explanation for how anti-inflammatories work and why they help with pain.
#mythbustermondays #mythbusting #itsamyth #nowyouknow #knowledgeispower #nowyouknow #alwayslearning #antiinflammatories #advil #ibuprofen #aleve #painrelief

Is your surgery postponed due to Covid?
Did you know that there is a way to improve your outcome after surgery?
Prehab! It's a simple way to increase your strength and improve your mobility before you even have surgery. Having this base can shorten your recovery time, decrease your pain level, and get you moving faster.
Unsure where to start? Make use of those postponed surgery wait times and call us today to get started! 613-498-0036
#prehab #improveyourresults #enhancedoutcome #exerciseprogram #painfreeliving #postoprelief #surgery #postponedwaittimes